I will take advantage of the remainder of my hour to post about my travels so far. The plane from Houston to Amsterdam was at about half capacity. Half capacity; sucks for the airlines, great for me. I moved to an empty row and slept about half of the way over here.
Once I woke up we were nearing the coast of Ireland. Despite the fact it was pitch black outside, I was able to make out a little bit of the coast by the small bunches of light. It was absolutely beautiful. We then crossed over Dublin. The lights from the city took up quite a bit of room, but it was hard to tell how big the city was because I had no idea at what altitude we were flying.
Once we landed in Amsterdam we (Alex and I) had to make quite a trek across the airport to get to our next gate. This is by far the most amazing airport I have ever been to.
1) It is huge
2) There are so many nice shops throughout the entire building
3) There are flowers everywhere. I think it must somehow be tied to Holland?
4) There are all sorts of art installments; things in showcase windows as well as giant teacups that (Disney Style) that serve as tables at one of the cafes
5) The people! There are so many different accents and languages spoken. It is amazing, and beautiful, and just plain great.
So far I have spent 2.9 euro. I bought a bottle of water. Expensive, but it was wet and that is what I needed. I board in 20 minutes for Vienna.
p.s. my google homepage is in another language
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