My blog is majorly lacking in creative titles for each post. I wish I could think of more enticing words to label these posts, but it has just not been in the cards recently. This post, although quoting Katy Perry lyrics is not really creative, will attempt to have some sort of unifying theme.

This past weekend I spent time in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. The city was amazing. I fell in love with the way that it looked at night. It was darker and dirtier than Vienna and had much more obvious signs of the remnants of communism. It had a broken down charm that I just could not get over.
When the firework video debuted so many people asked me if I had seen it. I had seen a clip on MTV between shows and so I told everyone that I had seen it. I did not realize what I was missing when I told them this. Take a quick look at the first few seconds of the video
That is right! The video is shot in Budapest. I hope that you were able to gather that by the specific pictures I posted from my trip. Preston, with whom I traveled to Budapest, sent me the link the day we got back. I could not believe it. It was strangely exciting.
There was a Katy Perry concert at the big concert hall that is about three blocks from my residence in Vienna on the Saturday that I was gone. SO WEIRD the connections to all of these happenings.
Katy Perry's single Firework I think is one of the few truly positive and uplifting songs to come out in quite some time (perhaps even since Christina Aguilera's Beautiful). My favorite lyric of the song says "like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow." Since the first time I heard this song those lyrics have stuck with me.
I feel that on this current adventure/trip/life that I am living that my heart is truly glowing. I am in a place that has opened my eyes, my heart, and my mind. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by the people that I am and to have the opportunities to learn so much about them. Traveling to countries outside of your home country could be scary I suppose but I have felt so comfortable for the entire month that I have been gone. It is very strange not being able to speak the language here but I am at peace with that. When I go to other countries (such as Hungary) I do not feel as bad about not knowing that language, but when I am in Austria I still sometimes feel guilty for not knowing more German.
Besides the big experiences I am having, there are little things that still make my heart glow
- Getting a package in the mail from my parents. It had some of my clothes and some spices for cooking and my pair of Sperry's. When I received it yesterday I put on my sperry's a grey t shirt and my cut off blue jeans. As weird as it sounds, I felt so at home.
-I purchased some waffles at the Penny Markt the other day and heated them up this morning. I didn't have any syrup, but when I took my first bite I found them to be oddly sweet. They were deleicious and it was just really nice to eat them
-I started class on tuesday. So far I have enjoyed the two that I have attended and think that they will be very beneficial to me
-The weather is supposed to get to 40 degrees today
- I am going to Venice, Italy this weekend for their Carneval festival
One more thing that I must add. I do not usually play video games online. Ever. Until last weekend. I encourage you all to play it a few times. It is nothing short of majestic!! Also, this song played during the game, definitely added to the "list of things that make my heart glow".
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